Association of American Schools in Mexico
ASOMEX is an association that values what each individual school contributes to the overall performance of the association. Every school will be considered on an individual basis and membership will be awarded based on the added value a school can bring to the organization as well as the need to maintain a balance of schools in each geographic region of Mexico. Membership decisions are made by all member schools.
To be considered for membership a school must meet the following requirements:
The school’s educational philosophy and purpose must be aligned with the mission and core values of ASOMEX
The school’s core curriculum must be delivered in English
The school must not be part of a network of schools
The school must have been accredited by a US accrediting agency for at least 6 years
The school should have been in existence for at least 15 years
The school’s facilities must be able to host events
No more than 20% of the total number of ASOMEX schools may represent one stateç
A school interested in joining ASOMEX should contact the current President of ASOMEX by letter, expressing its desire to be considered as a candidate for ASOMEX membership. The President will also request information from the school concerning its mission and vision, governance and leadership, teaching and learning, resources and support, stakeholder communication, facilities, accreditation status and the school improvement process in place at the school.
Member schools will receive a copy of this information prior to the next regularly scheduled business meeting. If there is a quorum at the business meeting, a majority vote of schools in attendance will either accept or reject the application. If accepted, a school visit will be conducted by at least two representatives from current ASOMEX schools. All expenses for the visit will be covered by the interested school.
When the visit has been completed, the visiting members will submit a written report to the ASOMEX President. The written report will be forwarded on to all members prior to the next regularly scheduled business meeting of ASOMEX. Based on the written report, a vote will be taken to determine if the interested school should be invited to make a presentation at the next business meeting.
Utilizing the written report, the school’s presentation and any other pertinent information that may come forth, members at the ASOMEX business meeting will vote to accept or reject the school as a candidate for membership for a one-year period. A simple majority vote will prevail.
At the conclusion of the year of candidacy, the school should make a request, in writing, to be accepted as a full member to ASOMEX. At the next regularly scheduled business meeting, if there is a quorum, a simple majority vote by members will prevail. If accepted, the school will be admitted to ASOMEX as a full member.
When the school is accepted as a full member, the school will pay an inscription fee of $2,500 USD as well as the yearly dues.
A school that is rejected for membership after a year of candidacy is not eligible to participate in any ASOMEX activities and must wait at least two school years before reapplying for candidacy status.
(applies to all candidate and current members)
To remain in good standing all candidates and members must comply with the following requirements:
pay all financial obligations on time
participate in five ASOMEX events, one of which is a sports event
attend one of the two annual business meetings
host one event per year
actively participate in the association by responding in a timely manner to all inquires or communications
If during a school year (August-June) a school fails to comply with the requirements for good standing, the school will be placed on probation. If a school on probation fails to meet the criteria for good standing for a second year the school will be required to withdraw from ASOMEX. The school will not be eligible for candidacy status for at least two years.