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The Association of American Schools in Mexico is the oldest of the many regional school associations throughout the world. Founded in 1957, the Association originally included eight American Schools. Today, the association is made up of 18 member schools throughout Mexico with a total enrollment of approximately 15,500 students and 1,250 teachers and administrators.....

ASOMEX schools vary greatly in size, ranging from 42 to over 3,000 students from Mexico, the U.S., Canada and other countries. These schools are private, non-profit institutions committed to offering an American type educational program, while also meeting the requirements of the Mexican Secretariat of Education.

The purpose of the Association of American Schools in Mexico is to provide a collective means of serving the needs and interests of the member schools through a spirit of sharing ideas, programs, facilities and experiences, as well as the sharing of resources and information. We strive to:

  • Develop a closer union of the American schools in Mexico

  • Seek to resolve common problems of member schools

  • Advance ideals and standards of the teaching professions and of administrative leadership

  • Promote the educational welfare of the communities in which the schools are located

  • Provide a clearing house of information common to all ASOMEX schools

  • Assist member schools in establishing and maintaining high educational standards

  • Enhance the multicultural/bilingual aspects of member schools

  • Provide qualified consultants to inservice teachers and administrators

  • Help member schools to orient new personnel

  • Select and procure quality educational materials and equipment

  • Develop communications and relations among students and staffs of member schools

Each year, member schools participate in numerous ASOMEX activities, including athletic tournaments, teacher and student workshops, model U.N. simulations, and art and musical festivals.

These experiences contribute to the relationships that are formed among the students, teachers, parents and administrators of the member schools and give ASOMEX its strength and reason for being.

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